Erik Finkelstein, MD

Eric Finkelstein, MD is board-certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation and fellowship trained in interventional pain management. He earned both a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and his Medical Degree from the State University of New York, Buffalo. Dr. Finkelstein performs evaluations in Owings Mills, Columbia, and Olney.

He completed his Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation residency at Temple University Hospital. Dr. Finkelstein refined his pain management skill set through an Interventional Pain Fellowship at Integrated Pain Management in Concord, CA. Dr. Finkelstein has extensive experience treating spine and other musculoskeletal pain conditions and uses a comprehensive approach to provide the best-individualized care for each patient. Specialization in Spinal Cord Stimulation, Discography, Occipital and other peripheral nerve stimulation, the treatment of Headaches and Pelvic Pain.

Quick Profile

Name: Erik Finkelstein, MD

Offices: Owings Mills

Phone: 410.205.9403

Specialty: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation